May 27, 2020 · He was the emperor of Rome in 165 AD when the Antonine Plague broke out, devastating the population of the Roman Empire, causing up to two thousand deaths a day in Rome, killing millions of people

You never really hear about a plague in Rome until the second century when the Antonine plague ravaged Europe and the Mediterranean and then barely 100 years later and you have the Cyprian plague and then two centuries later, you have the Justinian plague. the issue is that for most of the Republic there are no primary sources. Combine this Practicing History Podcast — Jason M. Kelly Practicing History is a podcast devoted to a broad approach to studying history — from research to teaching to methodology to theory. Practicing History is particularly interested in the manifold ways that humans make their history. As such, it is concerned not only with how professionals construct Online Resource Portal – Middle Ages for Educators Online Medieval Sources Bibliography (OMSB), An annotated bibliography of printed and online primary sources for the Middle Ages; TORCH humanities center at Oxford has a list of online resources for medievalists, including podcasts, This includes articles on the Antonine Plague, the Justinianic Plague, the Black Death, Historical Timeline of Viruses - Charleston Physicians Antonine plague was an ancient pandemic brought to the Roman Empire by troops returning from campaigns in the Near East. Some believe it was either smallpox or measles, but the truth remains undetermined. Year 541 to 542 – Plague of Justinian – death toll: 30 million to 50 million The Plague of Justinian was a pandemic that struck the

This may be the best book of the year for me. In 230 pages Mr. McLaughlin takes us through 400 years and halfway around the world in a comprehensive and thoughtful analysis of the geography, economics, culture, and transportation during Imperial Rome. He uses so many ancient sources in ways that show how to read and apply the information in them.

Jan 30, 2020 Antonine Plague - Wikipedia The Antonine Plague of 165 to 180 AD, also known as the Plague of Galen (after Galen, the physician who described it), was an ancient pandemic brought to the Roman Empire by troops who were returning from campaigns in the Near East.Scholars have suspected it to have been either smallpox or measles. The plague may have claimed the life of a Roman emperor, Lucius Verus, who died in 169 and was

Pandemic Timeline from Antonine Plague up to COVID-19

The Life and Accomplishments of Marcus Aurelius Jan 31, 2019