We keep some data for the life of your Google Account if it’s useful for helping us understand how users interact with our features and how we can improve our services. For example, after you delete a specific Google search from My Activity, we might keep information about how often you search for things, but not what you searched for.

Jan 15, 2020 · Information that you give to Google — including personal information such as name, email address, phone number, credit card, and photos; Information gleaned from the use of Google services — like data usage, personal preferences, emails, photos, videos, browsing history, map searches, spreadsheets, and documents Recognize when you say activation commands, like "Hey Google." Improve speech recognition across Google products that use your voice. Turn voice and audio recordings on or off. Go to your Google Account. On the left navigation panel, click Data & personalization. In the Activity controls panel, click Web & App Activity. As per Google: Google keeps the track record of your search history to create your profile leveraging your search results. It helps the search engine become more relevant while answering your search queries and exposes you to more relevant searches and options. If you talk to your phone or a Google Home device, such as by clicking the microphone icon in Chrome or saying "Okay Google", a record is kept. Google says it uses that data to improve its speech Google wants you to know that the information listed on the My Activity page is private. In addition to the audio files, Google may be keeping records of your past web searches, location history, YouTube views and more. Here’s a step-by-step guide to delete that data as well. Jul 31, 2017 · Google could have a complete list of almost everything you've ever looked at. The site collects information on your searches, browsing history, YouTube videos you've watched and more. But it can You can see more of this data here, or search for it on the Google search page, if you're signed in. Try "my purchases," "my flights," "my trips," or "my bills," for example—all this data is

How to Stop Google From Saving Your Search History

May 17, 2013 · Google will still keep your "deleted" information for audits and other internal uses. However, it won't use it for targeted ads or to customize your search results. If you are not logged in to a Google account while you browse the internet, and set your various settings to not collect personal information then they probably don’t save it anywhere in any way that would attribute the searches to you. Fortunately you can stop Google recording your search history, and pretty easily too. Clicking the "details" control under any past search will see a pop-up window appear with all manner of data

Sep 11, 2016

We keep some data for the life of your Google Account if it’s useful for helping us understand how users interact with our features and how we can improve our services. For example, after you delete a specific Google search from My Activity, we might keep information about how often you search for things, but not what you searched for. How to see EVERY Google search you've ever made If you made a search while logged in with your current Gmail or Google account, it's been recorded. Yes, "Oh shit" indeed. Whether your searches were mobile or desktop locked, they've all been For how long do ISPs store browsing records? Do they keep Browsing records… they may not even have that. Google could, or Apple, etc. But not your actual provider, unless possibly mobile providers in some cases. Not as a general rule. But… the FBI finds out who you are by IP, then they get