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If you are setting up your OpenVPN connection as an Access Point the connection should pass from the WAN port on the DD-WRT router to an available LAN port of your main router and the DD-WRT router should be running on a different IP to that of your main router (For example, if your main router is running on – DD-WRT could be Before you continue please ensure you Linking routers by Ethernet cables does not require DD-WRT on any router. However, some more advanced settings are available in DD-WRT. As an example, some colleges still allow students to have their own wireless access points (WAPs). They require that the WAPs not hand out private IP addresses (like routers with DHCP/NAT) because it makes it 30/04/2014 · Back by some demand, I'm reposting the DD-WRT videos. I think a lot of people have old Linksys models sitting around their house and, hey, might as well make use of them right? This video is part Use this guide if you are setting up the DD-WRT connection on an access point or router that passes through another router or modem. View Setup Tutorial IMPORTANT NOTICE: Setting up DD-WRT on a compatible router is not for novice users, this setup does require a certain amount of experience and knowledge of how internal networks operate. DD-WRT routers are a great option to connect your tablet, smartphone and PC to a VPN connection simultaneously. However, it is important to keep in mid that in order to enjoy a satisfactory connection speed, you need to get a router with a high capacity processor that can handle the task and offer you a good navigation experience in all your internet enabled devices. Please check and consider the following before setting up your VPN connection in DD-WRT: If you are running a router-behind-router configuration, you will want to make sure your DD-WRT router is on a different subnet than any other router/modem on your network. This can be done by going to Setup/Basic Setup tab and changing your Local IP

Setup DD-WRT Router OpenVPN (Pre-Configured Command Setup

Setting up a DD WRT Router with Pace 5268AC | AT&T Jul 31, 2017 DD-WRT setup with NordVPN | NordVPN Customer Support If you're setting up two routers, you should change the second router Local IP address to be different than the main router's. (In this case main router's IP is, while the one we're connecting to NordVPN server is accessible via 2. Navigate to Setup > IPV6. Set IPv6 to Disable, then Save & Apply Settings.

DD-WRT setup with NordVPN | NordVPN Customer Support

Jun 29, 2018