I'm setting up a Tor relay hosted from home, I wanted to avoid setting up an exit relay because it could cause too many captchas and "unusual traffic from your computer network" for my own internet usage. So I'm going for a middle relay.

Relay-Node (knows entry-node and exit-node address) Exit-Node (knows address of relay-node and webserver) The packet you send is traveling this chain and the answer is travelling the same chain backwards. When you use HTTPS none of that TOR servers …

Before turning your non-exit relay into an exit relay, ensure that you have set a reverse DNS record (PTR) to make it more obvious that this is a tor exit relay. Something like "tor-exit" it its name is a good start. If your provider offers it, make sure your WHOIS record contains clear indications that this is a Tor exit relay. Exit Notice An exit relay is the final relay that Tor traffic passes through before it reaches its destination. Exit relays advertise their presence to the entire Tor network, so they can be used by any Tor users. Because Tor traffic exits through these relays, the IP address of the exit relay is interpreted as the source of the traffic. An exit relay is the final relay that Tor traffic passes through before it reaches its destination. Exit relays advertise their presence to the entire Tor network, so they can be used by any Tor users. If you're part of an organization that will be running the exit relay (ISP, university etc), consider teaching your legal people about Tor. It's way better for them to hear about Tor from you, in a relaxed environment, than to hear about it from a stranger over the phone.

Running a Tor exit relay. The EFF has tried to educate users and law enforcement that an IP address alone does not identify criminals, just as the EFF said we need an open wireless movement.

This mailing list is for support and questions about running Tor relays (exit, non-exit, bridge). To see the collection of prior postings to the list, visit the tor-relays Archives. Using tor-relays: To post a message to all the list members, send email to tor-relays@lists.torproject.org. Since an exit relay is responsible for relaying source traffic out to the internet, if that traffic uses an unencrypted protocol (e.g. http), it can see the contents of that traffic. For that reason, you shouldn't send sensitive data over Tor unencrypted when possible. Exitmap is a fast and modular Python-based scanner for Tor exit relays. Exitmap modules implement tasks that are run over (a subset of) all exit relays. If you have a background in functional programming, think of exitmap as a map() interface for Tor exit relays. Modules can perform any TCP-based networking task; fetching a web page, uploading a file, […] Jan 23, 2014 · An exit relay is the final relay that Tor traffic passes through before it reaches its destination. According to a recent report ' Spoiled Onions: Exposing Malicious Tor Exit Relays ', published by security researchers Phillip Winter and Stefan Lindskog revealed that almost 20 exit relays in the Tor anonymity network that attempted to spy on

What is a Tor Relay? | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Running a tor exit node from home : TOR - reddit If you haven't, read The Legal FAQ for Tor Relay Operators.. Running an exit node will inconvenience you at least. Unless you can isolate the node on its own IP address, you will start noticing that your home connection has been banned from all sorts of places - suddenly you can't connect to IRC, a lot of forums will start rejecting your posts, perhaps you will even have trouble sending email. Tor Relay Nodes visualised » TechWorm Jan 10, 2016 tor-relays Info Page This mailing list is for support and questions about running Tor relays (exit, non-exit, bridge). To see the collection of prior postings to the list, visit the tor-relays Archives. Using tor-relays: To post a message to all the list members, send email to tor-relays@lists.torproject.org.