With each successive sleep state, from S1 to S4, more of the computer is shut down. All ACPI-compliant computers shut off their processor clocks at S1 and lose system hardware context at S4 (unless a hibernate file is written before shutdown), as listed in the sections below. Details of the intermediate sleep states can vary depending on how

Jun 11, 2012 Overclocked i7 920 with DX58SO and Win7 Sleep - What a This has to be the most annoying PC problem I've ever had. And that's saying something. I have an i7 920 and a DX58SO board that's overclocked it to a nice stable 3.8ghz. Stress tested fine, temps were perfect. Enter Windows 7 Sleep. I had made sure my BIOS setting had the S3 enabled (ha Fixing Windows 7: Enable Hibernate Mode Jan 17, 2019

Mar 18, 2013

睡眠是一种由工作状态转为等待状态的一种新的节能模式,可以把工作状态都保存在硬盘中,同时关闭除了内存外所有设备的供电。可是有的win7用户的电脑,在开始菜单里的睡眠变成了灰色不可点击状态,win7睡眠是灰色的怎么办?出现睡眠是灰色很有可能是安装了某些驱动引起的,下面由小编跟 How To Enable The Sleep Option In Windows 7 Shutdown Menu

How To Enable The Sleep Option In Windows 7 Shutdown Menu

With each successive sleep state, from S1 to S4, more of the computer is shut down. All ACPI-compliant computers shut off their processor clocks at S1 and lose system hardware context at S4 (unless a hibernate file is written before shutdown), as listed in the sections below.